Fancy Letter V Drawing Tutorial


The letter V is the twenty-second letter in the letter set, and it’s perhaps of the most rarely involved letter in the English language when you take a gander at the number of words it that shows up in. Learn this blog and visit the latest Cool Easy drawing and tutorials on our cool drawing idea website.

Since it’s not utilized as much doesn’t imply that it’s not critical to figure out how to compose it, nonetheless! Fortunately, both the lowercase and capitalized renditions of the letter are genuinely straightforward. However, haven’t arrived to gain proficiency with the straightforward adaptations of the letter! All things considered, we will zero in on figuring out how to draw an Fancy  letter V.

Stage 1: Fancy Letter V Drawing

A customary letter V is a basic one to compose, as it is just two corner to corner straight lines associated at a point at the base. For this plan, we will try not to utilize any straight lines, as the bended blueprint will assist with making the letter look considerably fancier.

Despite the fact that we will not be drawing a customary letter V, you can get going by drawing one with your pencil. Doing that will permit you to envision the state of the letter prior to drawing.

Arranging it out with your pencil will likewise permit you to conclude the size of the letter before you utilize your pen to define the last boundaries. With that far removed, we can draw the initial segment of this letter. In particular, we will really be drawing a twisting shape connected to the left tip of the letter.

Stage 2: Cute Fancy Letter V Drawing

Before this second’s over step, we will have what as of now resembles an Fancy  interpretation of the letter V! This one will be a line drawing, nonetheless, and we will add more profundity to it later. Until further notice, we will proceed with the line that you began in the past step of the aide. Start where that line finished by drawing an even, marginally bended line.


That line will end at a sharp tip at the foundation of the letter. That sharp tip will then, at that point, shoot up in one more level point, as displayed in our reference picture. In an ordinary letter V, these lines would typically be entirely straight. While we believe they should be somewhat bended, they ought to in any case be straight enough that you can understand to be.

Stage 3: Fancy Letter V Drawing Easy

All that we have done as such far in this guide up until this point will check out toward the finish of this third step of our aide on the best way to draw an Fancy  letter V! We will add a ton in this step, so we should approach it slowly and carefully and begin at the point on the right-hand side of the letter.

There will be a seriously sharp tip as of now that dives down in a somewhat wavy line. It ought to run for the most part lined up with the line that you attracted the past one. Then, at that point, there will be a very sharp tip at the lower part of the letter. This point will then, at that point, slant up forcefully in one more marginally wavy line with a bend to it.

Stage 4: Easy Fancy Letter V Drawing

The past three stages were tied in with making the fundamental body of the letter V, however this one will zero in on an inside subtleties to make it look significantly cooler. The subtleties are basic, yet they will have a major effect on the plan. In the first place, we believed that this plan could utilize a couple of additional twistings.

To fix this issue, we added a few twisting shapes jabbing out from each tip of the letter. This as of now makes the letter look fancier, however we’re not finished at this point! We will likewise add an example to the letter to give it some surface. To do this, we defined a few marginally bended boundaries across the letter all through it.

Stage 5: Fancy Letter V Drawing for Kids

The inside of this letter is all quite brightened, so presently we can add a subtleties to the outside of the letter to make it look significantly really intriguing.

To begin, we added a progression of specks changing in size along the diagram of the letter. These are on inverse edges of the letter, as displayed in our reference. You don’t need to put them in a similar spot in the event that you have an alternate thought, in any case! Then, we added some little tear shapes around the twisting line at the top.

These are so basic yet add a day to day existence to the plan. At last, we added a couple of basic straight lines close to the layouts of the letter. Similarly as with different subtleties, you could switch them up as you like! Obviously, you could likewise add some detail thoughts of your own.

Stage 6: Fancy Letter V Drawing Ideas

At the present time, the main thing that could make this Fancy  letter V more Fancy  is add some tone! That is precisely exact thing we mean to do in this last step. In our reference picture, we show you one way that you could variety in your letter V. We picked a dazzling radiant purple tone to make it look truly lovely.

In the event that you love purple, you could involve it for your own attracting to match our one. If not, you can go for some other varieties you love all things being equal! Picking the varieties you use is only a piece of the tomfoolery, and you can try different things with various workmanship mediums to make the tones pop in various ways.

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