X Words For Kids


Learn, investigate, and acclimate your youngster with the letter X. Look at these 44 words, starting with, ending with, and incorporating the brilliant letter X.

X Words For Youngsters: Words That Start Or Begin With The Letter X

However, most X words are phenomenally phenomenal and not frequently utilized; the following are 10 of the more normal x words for youngsters of kindergarten and preschool age. We’ve likewise incorporated their implications and how these words can be utilized in a sentence to assist you with better having the option to present and show these X words for kids to your children.


What this X word for youngsters implies: A x-beam is a sort of electromagnetic radiation that can sort of “transparent” things since it is comprised of something almost identical to light, however with a more limited frequency which permits it to go through or infiltrate vital things. It is additionally ready to ionize gasses.

Utilize this X word for youngsters in a sentence: The specialist took an X-beam off my chest, and it was so cool to see what my lungs resemble!


What this X word for youngsters implies: A x-beam fish is a freshwater fish that is small and practically straightforward but with a misty body cavity. This sort of fish is local to South America and is very famous among fish in aquariums.

Utilize this X word for youngsters in a sentence: The x-beam fish, our companion breeds, are so cool, and I’m energized because he said he would give us a couple for our aquarium at home!


This X word for youngsters implies Xanax is a sort of medication given to assist people who are highly restless and have gentle to direct nervousness. It is endorsed by specialists to assist with quieting the individuals who experience tension.

Utilize this X word for youngsters in a sentence: The specialist gave his patient Xanax, which helped him not feel stressed and restless.


What this X word for youngsters implies is that Xanthic is a variety. It is a shade on the yellowish side or is a tone or color of yellow.

Utilize this X word for youngsters in a sentence: The structure we entered had walls painted in a relatively dull xanthic conceal that wasn’t exceptionally inviting.


What this X word for youngsters implies: Xavier alludes to another house, and it can likewise imply “splendid.” Curiously, this word comes from a more extended word, “Echeverria,” which signifies “new house” or “palace.” Xavier is likewise a name for young men.

Utilize this X word for youngsters in a sentence: I believe that you get the opportunity to visit the Xavier in the city since it is a beautiful spot, to be sure.


This X word for youngsters implies that Xebecs is a vessel that cruises the sea. It generally alludes to a three-masted Mediterranean or cruising transport with an extended overhanging bow and harsh.

Utilize this X word for youngsters in a sentence: The primary utilization of the cruising vessel called xebecs was reported in 1756, and in current times, xebecs are utilized in business.


What this X word for youngsters implies: Xenial implies when cordiality is shown or excellent relations are displayed between hosts and visitors, particularly during the Old Greek times when individuals from various urban communities connected.

Utilize this X word for youngsters in a sentence: As per the Old Greeks, obliteration will fall upon the belongings, riches, great deeds, dairy cattle, and descendants of the family who don’t show or play out their disavowal obligations.


What this X word for youngsters implies: Xenic alludes to a culture medium that contains at least one organic entity that is unclassified or unidentified.

Utilize this X word for youngsters in a sentence: that’s what researchers say to make a culture of phoretic nematodes that is mono-xenix, you need to begin with laying out a xenic culture nature.


What this X word for youngsters implies: Xenon is what they call a dismal, synthetically idle, monatomic, and dry gas component that is utilized to fill radio.

Utilize this X word for youngsters in a sentence: Xenon gas becomes conductive when it is ionized by essential energy you can get when a metal plate arrives at a quickly elevated voltage.


What this X word for youngsters implies: Xenophobe is the term utilized for individuals who disdain or have a bias against people who come from different spots or nations.

Utilize this X word for youngsters in a sentence: It isn’t perfect to realize that many individuals all around the world give indications or propensities of being a xenophobe.


What this X word for youngsters implies: Xenophobic alludes to how an individual demonstrates that shows them having a hate or bias against those from different spots or nations.


What this X word for youngsters implies: Xenops is a kind of bird. It is a sort in the bird family called Furnariidae or the ovenbirds tracked down in Focal America, South America, Mexico, and tropical jungles. Xenops are little birds with an earthy colored back, horizontally straightened charge with an improved tip, longish tail, and a rufous wing stripe.


What this X word for youngsters implies: The word xeric alludes to connecting with or adjusting to a dry and moist climate.

Utilize this X word for youngsters in a sentence: In the docuseries on television the previous evening, I saw that the southern piece of the country they highlighted comprised essentially xeric natural surroundings, so a few particular creatures and plants were prevailing around there. Click here

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